My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi was a very powerful read. I found that a lot of her personal experiences resonated with me, and as a result I was really able to sympathize with a lot of her feelings. Tackling loneliness while progressing through adulthood was a big one for me, as I often find myself wondering what the future holds, and whether or not I'll be able to maintain the friendships that I have with my limited social skills. This transition into adulthood while also tackling mental illness strikes is very important and relevant, and reading about her struggles and her newfound hope and experiences really gave me hope for the future, as all of this is very real and it is, in a way, comforting to see someone share their thoughts and own personal experiences to the world.
Loneliness is a sort of universal experience that everyone feels from time to time, some to a more extreme level than others. A few months ago, Kurzgesagt published a YouTube video on the topic of Loneliness, which can be found here. I felt this to be extremely insightful despite not being directly related to manga, as it is a feeling that everyone goes through but for some reason also has trouble talking about.
Another element of the manga that made its impact so great was the fact that the author spoke about her personal battles and feelings throughout multiple years of her life. Going in depth about personal struggles and thoughts towards overcoming it both emphasizes the rougher portions of her life while also talking about a more positive outlook, and methods towards bettering herself. At one point in the Manga, Kabi talks about how being 'Lazy' and being 'Unable to work' were similar, but different. Overall, it came back to taking care of herself, which is a strong and encouraging message.
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